SRP ACCU-RATE® Digital Panel

About this Product

The SRP ACCU-RATE® Digital Control Panel is designed with valuable input from our customers, ensuring ease of installation and maintenance. It offers high customizability and scalability, making it suitable for systems of any size or type.

Key Features

  • Effective. Temperature Settings (via thermostat). Setback Temperature (via thermostat). BACnet MS/TP (via thermostat).
  • Dependable. Space Temperature (via thermostat). Display of Zone Status (On/Off) – (LED). Display of  Pump Status (On/Off) – (LED).
  • Flexible. Single Stage Operating With Motor Starter Relay. Two Stage With VFD. Modulating With VFD.
  • Easy to operate. Digital Start Signals. Analog 0-10 Volt Modulating VFD (via thermostat). Post Purge

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